Saturday, November 27, 2010

For Paul Vuille

Paul Vuille died Monday 11/22/2010 of a massive heart attack. He was 49 years old.He never saw it coming but the warning signs were already present: he was a 2 pack a day smoker for the almost 40 years I've known him. The closest thing to exercise was the occasional bike ride. He had a sedentary job and he liked to kick back at home. He loved good food (though he wouldn't/couldn't cook) and he loved his wine...bought it by the least 1 bottle at dinner. Over the years, we've prodded him to exercise but he was content His (now ex) wife changed her lifestyle, hoping he'd join in. She quit smoking (1 pack a day) started exercising with me (she was my first client) and shed 55 lbs in 15 months. We revamped her diet to include whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables, chicken, lean beef and fish-more cooking, less eating out. That was 5 years ago and she's still maintained her weight through diet and exercise.. Because of her, he was eating healthier but old habits die hard.
His last check up (last year) was fine...nothing told him (as always) to quit smoking but otherwise, everything OK. No history of heart problems. As they say, the first sign of a heart problem is death.
This didn't have to happen. This could have been prevented. All it takes is a little lifestyle change. Diet. Exercise. Small steps.
Paul's passing has made me even more determined to help people lose weight, eat healthy and stay fit.