Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tricks Of The Trade

I constantly get asked "When it comes to diet and exercise, what do you do"? I had to think about it. Here's the basics: Diet: I'd like to think that I eat well. I love to cook and that makes a big difference. I cook the majority of my meals. That way, I know what's going into my food. I like lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish...grilled or broiled...lots of greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus...steamed or roasted...good oils like olive, coconut and safflower...avacados...very little dairy...lots of fruit...mixed green salad with fruit and veggies... I always make it a point to eat breakfast which is either oatmeal w/ coconut oil, brown sugar and fresh fruit or eggs and vegetables...very little bread and if I do eat it, it's usually 12 vice is coffee w/ whole milk and sugar and I limit that to two cups (I won't say how large the cups are!)...flavored seltzer water and bottled water... Exercise: After years of trial and error, here's my exercise/workout program:I workout 3 times per week, full body all the time...anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on what I'm doing. If I'm doing strength training (heavy weights,4-8 reps), that will be about 30 minutes, hypertrophy (moderate weight, 10-12 reps), 45 minutes to an hour. Cardio every day. It took a while to get into these healthy habits. All things in time.

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