Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Gym Is Not The Same As Gym Class

As a personal trainer, I've heard all sorts of reasons for not exercising. For some people, the word exercise conjures up images of humiliation in gym class. I was one of those kids. I was a nerd. I was an A student, was in the chorus, opera club (?!)...I wasn't an athlete. I couldn't hit a baseball. I couldn't catch a ball. I was always picked last. You get the idea. Gym class made me feel like a loser, a wimp and other choice words that were hurled at me and countless other geeks. But the gym is not gym class. It can be foreboding and intimidating to some people. The first time I ever set foot on the floor of a "name" gym, my first thought was "Where are the fat people?" All I saw were hardbodied twenty and thirty somethings, middle aged women trying to turn back time, middle aged men trying to pick up younger women and the occasional person actually trying to do something healthy for themselves. The people who truly needed to be at the gym weren't there. That being said, here are some of the best excuses I've ever heard for not exercising: 1.) "I don't have the time". - You have the just don't want to take the time because it will cut into your "busy" schedule. C'mon, you can spare 30 minutes can't you? 2.) " I can't afford it". - Think about the cost of healthcare today. Can you afford not to? 3.) "I don't like to exercise". - Gym class rears it's ugly head again. Get over it. It's a gym, not gym class. No one's going to make fun of you or call you names. 4.) "I'm too old". - Light to moderate exercise can improve personal performance in functional movement as we age. You're never too old to learn new tricks. 5.) "I'm too fat". - My personal favorite...circular reasoning: I'm too fat to exercise; therefore I will always be fat...but if I exercise, I won't be fat...but i'm too fat to answer-circular logic: physical activity will increase muscle mass-more muscle mass means less fat; therefore physical activity means less fat. Case closed. 6.)"I might hurt myself" - Consult a physician before you start an exercise program. then consult a personal trainer to design and guide you through a program so you won't hurt yourself. 7.) "None of my friends/No one I know exercises".- Lead by example. Be the first. 8.) " I don't like to sweat". - That's why gyms have showers. It refreshes after a workout. So enough of the excuses. You know what you need to do. Do it. Next post: The Top 10 Reasons To Exercise

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tricks Of The Trade

I constantly get asked "When it comes to diet and exercise, what do you do"? I had to think about it. Here's the basics: Diet: I'd like to think that I eat well. I love to cook and that makes a big difference. I cook the majority of my meals. That way, I know what's going into my food. I like lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish...grilled or broiled...lots of greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus...steamed or roasted...good oils like olive, coconut and safflower...avacados...very little dairy...lots of fruit...mixed green salad with fruit and veggies... I always make it a point to eat breakfast which is either oatmeal w/ coconut oil, brown sugar and fresh fruit or eggs and vegetables...very little bread and if I do eat it, it's usually 12 vice is coffee w/ whole milk and sugar and I limit that to two cups (I won't say how large the cups are!)...flavored seltzer water and bottled water... Exercise: After years of trial and error, here's my exercise/workout program:I workout 3 times per week, full body all the time...anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on what I'm doing. If I'm doing strength training (heavy weights,4-8 reps), that will be about 30 minutes, hypertrophy (moderate weight, 10-12 reps), 45 minutes to an hour. Cardio every day. It took a while to get into these healthy habits. All things in time.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Don't Believe The Hype

Muscle Confusion. Paleo Diet. Ab Rollers. Everyone of these designed to help you lose weight, tone, get ripped. This product will torch fat, that one will burn fat, the other one will melt fat. Enough already! There is too much information out there about exercise and weight loss, some good, some bad. There are no magic potions or powders (even though some products are hyped as such...Sensa, anyone?). What to do, what to do? Do your research and use common sense. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to exercise and eat healthier. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. You have to do the work and make changes in your diet. We all know what we should and shouldn't eat. We all know that exercise is important to weight loss. Just do it. No Ab Belt will take the weight from your belly. No powder that you sprinkle on french frys will make them healthier. Hold yourself accountable. Do the work

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I'm Back!!

It's been a while but I'm back. I totally forgot about this blog and went into my account and saw, to my suprise, how many views I've had. A lot's happened professionally since my last post and I have a lot to share. FITT For Life is a blog about fitness, cooking and eating healthier and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Knowledge is power and if I can help someone, then I've done my job. I'm going to try and post Friday's to coincide with my #FITTFriday post on Twitter.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can you spare one hour a day?

Happy New Year. 2011. This is the year the baby boomers (1946-1964) start turning 65. 65 in 2011 is not like 65 in 1981...first off, they don't like to be called "seniors" (they prefer "mature adults")...they are more active than their counterparts 30 years ago. They want to stay fit and healthy. They are going to gyms, getting personal trainers, taking exercise classes, yoga classes...and it all benefits them in the long run.
By the year 2030, there will be 70+ million people over the age of 65...with health care cost skyrocketing, an ounce of prevention, as the say, is worth a pound of cure. Starting an exercise program will increase flexibility (which will aid you in slip/falls), improve cardiovascular health, change your metabolism, add to your longevity, prevent certain ailments from occurring, lower your medical costs and improve your overall well being.
It's never too late to get started with an exercise program. It's just keeping up with it that's the hard thing. All you have to do is spare one hour a day. That's all. One hour. 7 hours a week. That's it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

For Paul Vuille

Paul Vuille died Monday 11/22/2010 of a massive heart attack. He was 49 years old.He never saw it coming but the warning signs were already present: he was a 2 pack a day smoker for the almost 40 years I've known him. The closest thing to exercise was the occasional bike ride. He had a sedentary job and he liked to kick back at home. He loved good food (though he wouldn't/couldn't cook) and he loved his wine...bought it by the least 1 bottle at dinner. Over the years, we've prodded him to exercise but he was content His (now ex) wife changed her lifestyle, hoping he'd join in. She quit smoking (1 pack a day) started exercising with me (she was my first client) and shed 55 lbs in 15 months. We revamped her diet to include whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables, chicken, lean beef and fish-more cooking, less eating out. That was 5 years ago and she's still maintained her weight through diet and exercise.. Because of her, he was eating healthier but old habits die hard.
His last check up (last year) was fine...nothing told him (as always) to quit smoking but otherwise, everything OK. No history of heart problems. As they say, the first sign of a heart problem is death.
This didn't have to happen. This could have been prevented. All it takes is a little lifestyle change. Diet. Exercise. Small steps.
Paul's passing has made me even more determined to help people lose weight, eat healthy and stay fit.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cut The C.R.A.P. Out Of Your Diet

I saw this in the paper and I thought it was interesting...take the CRAP out of your diet.
R-Refined sugars
P-processed food
It's impossible to cut all of the crap out of your diet (I will not give up my 2 daily regular w/2 sugars) but you can opt for changes:
Flavored seltzer water instead of soda
Fresh meats/fish instead of canned/processed
Limit alcohol consumption
Use honey as a sweetener
Opt for cooking meals at home as opposed to going out or ordering in
The little things make a difference...after all, as I stated in a previous blog, you are what you eat and if you eat C.R A.P, you'll look and feel like crap.

coming up-the formula-(diet+exercise+cardio=weight loss)